Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blog Assignment #13

A Vision Of Students Today

The video, A Vision Of Students Today demonstrated things that I see every single day of my life. I am one of those students. I sit in classes full of people, half of which are asleep, and the rest of them are completely checked out. I see plenty of people on Facebook and Pinterest, but not many working on class work. I've often been guilty of this. I am also the student who pays close to 600 dollars per semester on textbooks that I only open occasionally and end up selling back at a fraction of the price after finals. I get about 6 hours of sleep each night. I study at work because I work almost every night. I know that I spend more time online then I do doing anything else. Technology can save us, but only if the system we are in is willing to change. If our schools embrace technology, maybe our education will be more useful to us in real life.

Back To The Future With Brian Crosby

In Back To The Future, Mr. Crosby's class is engaging in learning. They are having so much fun and they are sharing that fun with other schools all over the world. Kids WANT to be in this class! I hope that I can make my classroom so much fun that my students don't even realize that they are learning.

I liked the point that Mr. Crosby made in this video about learning vs being taught. As students, from the time that we first started school when we were about five years old, we have learned how to be taught. We have learned that if we want to be in a class, we must sit quietly, raise our hands, write notes, and read the textbook. Now we face the challenge of learning on our own! We must make the transition from being taught, to actively searching for knowledge on our own through our own curiosity and use of resources. This transition would have been a lot easier when we were kids.

I plan to teach high school so this is crucial. High schoolers don't care about anything. The challenge is to make them care about school. Make them want to learn more.

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